Monday, January 28, 2013

Intentional Growth requires Help

John 14:18- "I will not leave you comfortless..." I want us to look at the word "comfortless"
in this verse. It is taken from the Greek word orphanos, which is where we get
the word orphan.

In New Testament times, the word orphanos described children left without a father
or mother. In today's world, the word orphan has exactly the same meaning. It refers
to a child who is abandoned due to the death or desertion of a father or mother.
Once orphaned, the child is deprived of parental care, supervision, and protection
- unless that child is placed in the custody of a blood relative or a new guardian
who assumes a parental role in that child's life.

However, in New Testament times the word orphanos was also used in a broader sense
to describe students who had been abandoned by their teacher. Just as children are
dependent on their parents, these students were reliant on their teacher to teach
them, to guide them, and to prepare them for life. But once the teacher abandoned
them, they felt deserted, forsaken, discarded, and thrown away.

In both cases, the word orphanos is used to carry the same idea, whether it refers
to children abandoned by their parents or students discarded by their teacher. It
gives the picture of younger, less educated, less knowledgeable people feeling deserted
by those they trusted and looked to for guidance.

Jesus was a spiritual father to the disciples. He knew they were completely reliant
upon Him. They couldn't make it on their own in the world without Him. This is why
He promised them, "I will not leave you like orphans." Jesus' words could be translated to express this idea:

"I will not leave you behind like orphans who have been deserted by their parents,
nor will I desert you like an unfaithful teacher who walks out on his students and
leaves them with no supervision or help...."

Jesus knew the disciples couldn't make it on their own in the world. That's why
He sent the Holy Spirit into the world to be their new Guardian and Teacher.
You can't make it on your own in this world either - but you don't have to, because
Jesus did not abandon you! He did not desert you, walk out on you, or throw you
away. When He ascended to the Father, He sent the Holy Spirit to care for you, to
guide you, and to teach you. Jesus did not leave you as an orphan in this world!
So meditate on this truth today, and let it sink deep into your heart: I'm not alone!
I'm not a spiritual orphan. Jesus has given me the Holy Spirit to comfort, guide,
counsel, and strengthen me in every situation of life!

One of, if not the most important key for intentional growth is a relationship with the person of the Holy Spirit!

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