Thursday, November 1, 2012




             God has called each of us to live a life tat is greater than we have or could even imagine. The only real limits we have are the ones we have already set in our hearts and minds. 

JOHN 14:12 - "..and greater works will you do.."   Jesus left no room for wonder or doubt when it comes to His expectations for our life. It is a life that is Greater than the normalcy that seeks to suck the expectation for more out of the very air we breath. The reality is most of us are not in danger of ruining our lives we're just in danger of wasting them.

Most of us know, at least in part, that we are created for so much more. Yet we end up settling for so much less than what has been paid for on our behalf. This is baseline living and this place of miserable mediocrity is the cause of many Christians apathy, depression and overall loss of passion for life because somewhere along this journey we stopped at a place called "good enough".

I don't know about you but that is a place I cannot stay! Not when Jesus called us to something "greater." The clarion call has sounded, can you hear it? Today is the day and now is the time to shake off the slumber and sleep, apathy and depression and awaken your soul to the possibilities of something "greater."

I want to end my blog with a simple question. Are you ready to open up your heart, your imagination to the possibility that God has a vision for your life that is Greater?

                 - greater than the labels place on you by others
                 - greater than all the missed moments and wasted time
                 - greater than the slander from the enemy
                 - greater than the struggles your having right now
                 - greater than the dreams you already have for yourself

This is more than hyped up spiritual talk, it is a promise from the one who hung the stars and created the cosmos. He said, "GREATER," will we believe him?

This is a new series I am going to be preaching in youth during November and December, so stay connected on here as I continue to add pieces and thoughts about going after the "greater" that God has in store for you!